The National Stakeholder Coordination Group (NSCG) provides a sounding board and exchange platform for national R&I stakeholders in the area of energy systems and networks. Its purpose and goal is to support the implementation of SET-Plan Action 4 on Integrated and Flexible Energy Systems. It enables national stakeholders to contribute actively and in a coordinated way to the SET-Plan goals by:
Thus the National Stakeholders Coordination Group will increase and broaden the impact of the ETIP SNET activities. The NSCG is organised by member states, supported by ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus. Additionally it is facilitated by the European Commission and ETIP SNET.
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
Chair: |
Michele | De Nigris | RSE |
Co-chairs: |
Fernando | Garcia Martinez | UFD |
Michael | Hübner | bmvit-Austria |