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Working groups


Innovation implementation in the business environment

Work Group 5 adopts a helicopter view of the activities carried out in the projects within the perimeter of the ETIP about the energy transition in order to:

  • Build homogeneity in the analysis of projects, work done and lessons learned Create a common platform for analysing the progress made with technologies through-out the EU and facilitate their scalability;
  • Build a methodology to judge system needs in the energy transition capable of identifying tangible needs for building on progress made and give feedback to the other WGs for populating their R&I needs in the years ahead;
  • Review the relevant BRIDGE reports that identify the economic, social, technical, legal, etc. barriers which may slow down business model deployment;
  • Search for innovative solutions that will maximise the benefits of the innovation process that EU achieves through R&I activities in the area of Energy.

Please download the full Terms of Reference here.


Mahboubeh Hortamani BAAM-Consulting


Christina Papadimitriou UCY / FOSS
Sergio Olivero Politecnico di Torino

Honorary Co-chair:

Venizelos Efthymiou University of Cyprus – EURELECTRIC

WG members:

Admir Softic Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic relations of Bosnia & Herzegovina
Andrei Morch SINTEF Energy Research
Anna Mutule IPE
Anna Kucharska Instytutpe
Antonis Papanikolaou aHypertech
Ata Khavari DERlab
Athanase Vafeas Dowel Innovation
Aurélie Faure-Schuyer Insight-e
Catalin Chimirel Romanian Energy Centre, CNTEE Transelectrica
Chavdar Ivanov gridDigIt
Dagmar Jarásová SFÉRA
Erim Oguzhan KIC InnoEnergy
Fabio Apra R2M Solution
Francesca Cappelletti RSE
Gregor Omahen ELES, Slovenian transmission system operator
Igor Sauperl LEC
Jochen Kreusel ABB / T&D Europe
Katja Sirviö University of Vaasa
Khadem Shafiuzzaman Khan International Energy Research Centre, Tyndall National Institute
Lauri Kumpulainen CLIC Innovation
Marina Grujic Milosevic Vattenfall Eldistribution
Mihai Paun Romanian Energy Center
Mohamed Shalaby DERlab
Nuno Pinho Da Silva R&D Nester
Nuno Souza E Silva R&D Nester
Paula Carroll University College Dublin
Pawel Jamrozek EDF Fenice
Rad Stanev Technical University of Sofia
Tasos Tsitsanis  suite5, Data Intelligence Solutions Limited
Thales Papazoglou Council for Support of Electric Power Studies (COSEPS)
Vivi Gourioti Msc NTUA