ETIP SNET representatives will be present at the 48th edition of CIGRE SESSION – a leading event for the Power System industry in Paris 23-28 August 2020. The CIGRE Session is the international leading event for Power System industry, gathering worldwide experts in even numbered years to discuss and learn about the future of the industry […]
This week the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) shares its mid-term key Research and Innovation priorities. Overall the roadmap estimates that 4 billion euros of investments are needed over the next 10 years to enable the transition towards a reliable and sustainable European electricity system with very high […]
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is continuing its series of short stories on successful energy transition technologies to inform citizens and facilitate their involvement in the European energy system of the future, with 2 new stories on the Underground Sun Storage and 3D Decision Support System projects. As reported previously, it is in everyone’s […]
ETIP SNET will have a networking stand to present its latest activities at this years electricity network innovation event on the 5-6th of May 2020 InnoGrid2020+ is one of the most important EU events on innovation in electricity networks. It is organised by The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the […]
The EU Islands Facility NESOI is asking all Islands in Europe to help in the assessment of their needs regarding the implementation of Energy Transition solutions on their territory. The EU Islands Facility – NESOI is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project that aims to unlock the potential of EU islands to become the locomotives […]
The BRIDGE General Assembly gathered in Brussels on the 11th-12th of February to create a better understanding of the BRIDGE projects, learn more about projects results and help to establish closer cooperation for European best practice standards. On the 11th and 12th of February, the BRIDGE General Assembly 2020 took place in Brussels, organised by […]
The ETIP SNET Working Group on Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system (WG1) release White Paper on Sector Coupling: Concepts, State-of-the-art and Perspectives. Sector coupling has recently gained increased attention, bringing new complexity into infrastructure investment decisions but also new opportunities for its smart operation. In a multi-energy system the benefits of an investment […]
The 13th Governing Board meeting of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) on the 31th of January 2020 in Brussels presented an opportunity for key energy stakeholders to come together to reflect on last year’s achievements, appoint new Working Groups Chairs and co-chairs and discuss the […]
In the context of the release of the EU Green Deal on the 11th December 2019, ETIP SNET and CIGRE have issued a joint statement to highlight 10 key messages that illustrate a common Vision of the energy sector to be achieved by 2050. The European Technology and innovation Platform for Smart Networks in Energy […]
The forum is the meeting place for energy and mobility stakeholders to discuss energy solutions for tomorrow’s mobility by promoting technical and commercial exchanges. After two successful editions, Energy for Smart Mobility European forum (E4SM) enlarges its scope in 2020 to the challenges faced by maritime and air sectors in addition to road transport. The […]