On 11 July 2016, the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) gathering actors from electricity, storage and ICT but also heating, transport and gas adopted Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General, as Chair.
The mission of the platform is to guide research, development and innovation (RD&I) activities to support Europe’s energy transition.
ETIPs have been created in the framework of the new Integrated Roadmap of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (the SET Plan) – Europe’s energy RD&I master plan.
The ETIP SNET will set-out a vision for research and innovation for smart networks, storage and integrated systems and engage stakeholders in this vision. It will also identify innovation barriers, notably related to regulation and financing.
“I am proud that, with the ETIP, I will be able to help Europe progress on its energy transition. Research and innovation are crucial for getting more flexibility into the electricity system, and for integrating more renewable energy into it, securely and affordably. Interfaces to the heating and transport sectors, for example with heat pumps and electric vehicles, are a key part of the innovation direction”, said Konstantin Staschus.
Konstantin Staschus will perform this mandate for a year. Nikos Hatziargyriou, Member of the Board of EDSO for Smart Grids and Thierry Le Boucher, Vice President of EASE, have been adopted as Vice-Chairs. The ETIP SNET merges and replaces the European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) and the European Technology Platform (ETP) SMARTGRIDS.