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Monday. 12 November 2018

ETIP SNET and BRIDGE showcase EU Energy Transition at European Utility Week 2018

The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition and the BRIDGE initiative took part in the European Utility Week taking place in Vienna, Austria on the 6-8 November to showcase Europe’s efforts in promoting a transition to a clean energy system. 

ETIP SNET Chairman Nikos Hatziargyriou gave a presentation  at the Enabling technologies sessions of the summit programme on platform’s most recent developments including key features of ETIP SNET’s recently published Vision 2050.  He also took part in two panel discussions throughout the conference.

Vice Chair Maher Chebbo also took part in a panel session on digialisation where he spoke about ETIP SNET newly released report on “Digitalization of the Energy System and Customer Participation

BRIDGE, a European Commission initiative which unites Horizon 2020 Smart Grid and Energy Storage, was also present at EUW 2018 and hosed sessions on “Interoperable Platforms and data exchange for energy services: practical experience from the BRIDGE projects”  where they addressed three main topics:

  • Platforms: focusing on reference architecture and platforms used to trade/exchange data in relation to the energy market (and services) as well as business models that support running the platform.
  • Data sharing, access and storage, focusing on the ways smart grid projects are capturing, exchanging, storing and giving access to data.
  • Cyber-security, privacy and interoperability, focusing on how devices, subsystems and systems are able to operate together in a consistent and secure way that respect the interests of the data-owners.

For each topic, a panel discussion took place, involving the project leaders who shared their experience and questions from the audience.

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