On June 27, ETIP SNET will release its new “2050 Vision on Europe’s Smart Networks Integration for the Energy Transition” in a high-level launch event in Brussels.
Major energy sector stakeholders and policy makers are due to congregate at The Square Brussels to launch “Europe’s Vision on Smart Networks Integration for the Energy Transition – Serving Society’s Energy Needs while Protecting the Environment” – a document that presents a multi-stakeholder view on Europe’s Energy research and innovation outlook over the next 30 years. The Vision 2050 can be summarized as:
A low-carbon, secure, reliable, resilient, accessible, cost-efficient, and market-based pan-European integrated energy system supplying the whole economy and paving the way for a fully CO2-neutral and circular economy by the year 2050, while maintaining and extending global industrial leadership in energy systems during the energy transition.
The event follows EERA’s 10th Anniversary Conference and will include a press conference, a networking lunch and cocktail, opening speeches by representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament, a joint presentation of the Vision document by the ETIP SNET chair and vice chairs: Nikos Hatziargyriou (Chairman), Konstantin Staschus (Vice-Chair) and Thierry Le Boucher (Vice Chair).
Two panel discussions will be held:
– Panel 1 : Transformation of the energy system by 2050 and the needed framework
– Panel 2: Digitised Energy Systems and Markets as key enablers of the transition
Participation to this event is by invitation only, if you are interested in taking part please send an e-mail to