The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition will host the first in a series of webiners dedicated to “Regulation for Innovation” on 14 September 2018, in collaboration with the European Copper Institute (Leonardo Energy).
European RD&I Demonstration activities related to smart grids are key to test and validate the functionalities of new products and services in a controlled, but real environment. However, being the grid sector regulated, the development and validation of innovative solutions is often slowed down.
The Energy Transition needs innovation acceleration. Many of the changes needed are related to the evolving relationship between the different energy stakeholders. Two main drivers foster innovation in the energy sector: demonstration and regulation. Demonstration enables the testing of new products and services in a real environment, to fine-tune them and to measure their real impact; regulation defines the framework and the technical and economic relations between the agents operating in the energy sector.
In this context, Regulatory Innovation Zones for Smart Energy Networks – or “Innovation Sandboxes”- are an opportunity to close that gap, speeding-up market uptake, while enabling Regulatory Bodies to allow for the testing of various temporary schemes and mechanisms without modifying the regulatory framework.
The webinar will start at 12.30 pm with the agenda as follows:
Michael HUEBNER, Chair of the ETIP SNET’s National Stakeholders Coordination Group (NSCG), will first present the ETIP SNET, focusing on the NSCG’s scope and activities.
Fernando GARCÍA, co-Chair of the ETIP SNET’s National Stakeholders Coordination Group, will then briefly present the format, objectives and perspectives of the webinar.
Daniel KIRK, Head of Ofgem’s (UK’s Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) Innovation Link service, will present Innovation Link, a one stop shop’ offering support on energy regulation to businesses.
Elbert JAN VAN VELDHUIZEN, Senior strategic advisor at the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), will present the direct current distribution net experiment by “Liander”.
Karl WANINGER, Head of the “Smart Transport and Distribution Grids” division at “Projektträger Jülich”, will present the project ‘Smart Energy Showcases – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition’ (SINTEG, Germany).
At the end of the webinar, a Questions & Answers session will give participants the opportunity to directly interact with the speakers.
Join this webinar if you are interested in gaining insight and engaging with the latest innovative developments around the EU!
We look forward to your participation!
Questions? Please contact us at
ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) is a platform dedicated to making sure that Europe’s Research and Innovation facilitates all energy customers and market actors to rely on optimally integrated networks, systems and markets.
Leonardo Energy is a global initiative providing sustainable energy professionals with the knowledge to manage the energy transition. It was set up in 2004 as a platform to connect energy technologies, policies and markets. It aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy economy by advocating progressive energy policies and by providing free education and training tools.