In order to have a wide representation of stakeholders and offer agile and efficient operation of ETIP SNET, the platform is organised as follows:
- The Governing Board steers the platform where stakeholder associations send representatives
- Working Groups are open for experts to participate and provide input to the Governing Board
- A National Stakeholders Coordination Group to liaise with various national actors.
- Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
- Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
- National representatives
- Research & Academia
- Storage (technology and services providers)
- Consumers (aggregated and not aggregated)
- Thermal Generation (flexible)
- Information and Communication Technology & Network providers
- Equipment manufacturers and suppliers
- Renewable Energy Sources Generation
- Interface to Other Energy Carriers (Heat, Transport, Gas, …)
- Regulators*
* Participation on an ah hoc basis
Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E
Carlo Sabelli, ENTSO-E
Vicente Gonzalez, ENTSO-E
Yannick Jacquemart, ENTSO-E
Nikos Hatziargyriou, EDSO For Smart Grids
Martin Walther, CEDEC
Venizelos Efthymiou, EURELECTRIC
Jonathan Hallinder, GEODE
Member States
Michael Hübner, Austrian Ministry
Annabelle Furstenau, German Federal Ministry
Cédric Thoma, French Ministry
Research & Academia
Luciano Martini, EERA
Johan Driesen, EUA – EPUE
Werner Friedl, EUREC
Storage (technology and services providers)
Thierry Le Boucher, EASE
Francesco Gattiglio, EUROBAT
Ralf Grether, HEA
Consumers (aggregated and not aggregated)
Jessica Strombäck, SEDC
2 pending representatives to be appointed
Thermal Generation (flexible)
Emmanouil Kakaras, EPPSA
Ilari Kallio, COGEN & EUGINE
Michael Ladwig, EUTurbines
Charles Davis, COGEN & ETN
ICT & Network solutions providers
Maher Chebbo, ESMIG
Miguel Angel Sánchez Fornié, EUTC
1 pending representative to be appointed
Equipment Manufacturers & suppliers
Jacques Goudeau, Europacable
Sigrid Linher, Orgalime
Jochen Kreusel, T&D Europe
Renewable Energy Sources
Ruggero Bertani, Deep Geothermal TP - EGEC
Alexandre Roesch, ETIP Photovoltaics
Gerhard Stryi-Hipp, ETIP RES Heating and Cooling
Aidan Cronin, ETIP Wind
Sector Interface (Heat, Transport, Gas,…)
Ingo Wagner, Euro Heat & Power
Tim Cayford, EUROGAS
Marieke Reijalt, European Hydrogen Association
Chairman: Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E
Vice-chairman: Thierry Le Boucher, EASE
Vice-chairman: Nikos Hatziargyriou, EDSO For Smart Grids
WG1 Chair: Vicente Gonzalez, REE - ENTSO-E
WG2 Chair: Cristiana La Marca, ENEL
WG3 Chair: Michael Ladwig, EUTurbines
WG4 Chair: Maher Chebbo, ESMIG
WG5 Chair: Emmanouil Kakaras, EPPSA
National Stakeholders Coordination Group: Michael Huebner, Austrian Ministry