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The INTENSYS4EU (INTegrated ENergy SYStem, a pathway for EUrope) project is a coordination and support Action group supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. It started its activities in October 2017 and will finalise in September 2020.  The overarching goals of the INTENSYS4EU project are two-fold:

  • To support the further integration of innovative solutions in view of hosting 45% of variable renewables by 2030 while operating the energy system in a safe, stable and secure way;
  • To extend the existing Research and Innovation roadmaps through permanent and direct interactions with the impacted energy system stakeholders and all the Member States in view of validating the portfolio of innovative solutions via appropriate funding mechanisms.


These overarching goals have been split into seven focused objectives which follow the key energy stakeholder’s coordination strategy and the Research and Innovation (R&I) roadmap construction process over the four year period:

  1. Coordinate the stakeholders’ views to address the integrated energy challenges defined in the SET-Plan through a new European Technology and Innovation Platform, – ETIP SNET;
  2. Monitor activities to set the state of the art;
  3. Prioritise the R&I topics to go beyond state of the art;
  4. Share existing and new knowledge to disseminate state of the art knowledge,
  5. Detect policy barriers which have to be removed in order to increase deployment opportunities;
  6. Deliver the R&I roadmap and implementation plans within a coherent timeframe and according to the above-mentioned transparent prioritisation criteria;
  7. Disseminate the R&I roadmap components for an appropriation by all Member States and across the SET Plan stakeholders;
  8. Coordinate a restricted set of key experts and stakeholders involved in the drafting and consultation processes covering steps 1 to 7 above.


The INTENSYS4EU functions also entail:

  • Supporting the coordination of the ETIP SNET activities by providing logistical and secretariat assistance and facilitating the activities of its various bodies ;
  • Developing a draft R&I Roadmap and Implementation plan under the guidance of ETIP SNET members and to be approved by the ETIP SNET Governing Board;
  • Providing strategic guidance about the R&I activities (low to high TRL, priorities) raised by the integration issues of the electricity system into the wider European energy system;
  • Interacting with the stakeholders of the ETIP SNET at European level as well as the ETIP stakeholders at national and international level;
  • Setting several long term energy scenarios at European level;
  • Analyzing the on-going research, development and innovation projects in the EU and, when relevant at Member State levels;
  • Enhancing collaboration between projects through a support to the on-going BRIDGE process initiated by the European Commission for the funded R&I projects of Horizon 2020;
  • Maximizing cross border knowledge sharing about energy system optimization through interaction with national level players;
  • Supporting in fine-tuning the development of an upgraded draft R&I roadmap and its yearly implementation plans for approval at SET plan level, covering integrated network solutions of low (TRL=2) and high (TRL=8) maturity;
  • Monitoring European, national and local R&I projects relevant to the ETIP SNET scope, by organising regional workshops, maintaining the knowledge sharing platform and supporting the BRIDGE Initiative;