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Thursday. 05 October 2017

National Stakeholders meet in Amsterdam and discuss how to better liaise EU and national levels

On 4 October the members of the NSCG, the grouping of national actors (technology platforms, ministry representatives, funding agencies, research centres, experts from regulators) linked to the ETIP SNET, gathered to exchange on best practices in various EU countries.

At the meeting ENEDIS presented the successful national technology and implementation policy conducted in France in the area of Smart Grids, the Danish Demo programme and the NORDHAVN project were presented by the Danish Energy Agency. Spain showed the successful experience of Tecnalia as a national research facility, while the Austrian national platform explained their activities and how they are supporting their members. An interesting exercise of softmapping by the Spanish, Norwegian and Austrian national platforms was performed where these countries compared their national activities to what the new ETIP SNET Implementation Plan is recommending to undertake as R&I activity, this exercise will help monitor existing activities.

During the afternoon the participants discussed how to better link the work of the numerous groupings existing at EU and international level (ETIP SNET working groups, BRIDGE, ERA-Net Smartgrids+, SET Plan Temporary Work Group, EERA JP on Smartgrids, CEER Working Groups, Mission Innovation…) so as to enhance cooperation and to avoid needless repetition of research efforts. Conclusions will be prepared, one of the conclusions is the necessity to work closer with regulators, it will be the purpose of the next NSCG meeting.

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