The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition will host the second in the series of National Webinars in collaboration with Think Smartgrids, the French Smart Grids Association on March 22, 2018.
The National Webinar Series is dedicated to the presentation of national and regional platforms and provides the opportunity for the exchange of best practices, recommendations and knowledge sharing among European stakeholders.
For the 2nd edition in the series, ETIP SNET will be focused on FRANCE where Think Smartgrids – the French association federating and developing the smart grids sector in France, will present its Roadmap on Smart Grids, on the 22nd of March, between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Thierry Le BOUCHER, ETIP SNET Vice-Chairman, will first present the ETIP SNET’s scope and activities, as well as its Implementation Plan, listing the R&I short-term priorities in the field of smart energy systems, based upon the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap 2017-2026.
Valérie-Anne LENCZNAR, Managing Director of Think Smartgrids, will then give a short overview of the activities of the platform and its objectives.
Prof. Nouredine HADJSAID, Chairman of Think Smartgrids’ Scientific Council, and professor at INP Grenoble University, will present the first Think Smartgrids Roadmap, focusing on R&D priorities at a national level.
At the end of the webinar, a Questions & Answers session will give participants the opportunity to directly interact with the speakers.
Join this webinar if you are interested in gaining insight and engaging with the latest innovative developments around the EU!
Keep an eye on this webinar series if you are interested in gaining insight and engaging with the latest innovative developments around the EU!