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Friday. 12 March 2021

Register for “Energy Integration: From Policy to Action” Online event on 18 March 2021

The Magnitude Project will host a policy workshop dedicated to energy system integration on March 18, 2021 9:20 AM – 12:30 PM CET

Energy system integration is the pathway towards an effective, affordable and deep decarbonisation of the European economy. An integrated and transnational policy framework is needed to maximise the synergies between different energy sectors. This policy workshop will discuss the current status of energy system integration and what the future might have in store. The first session will focus on the high level aspects of system optimization and the implications for energy planning at European level. This will be followed by a look at what integration means for owners of energy infrastructure, and the barriers to collaboration between them.


09:20–09:40 Introduction to the MAGNITUDE project – Regine Belhomme (EDF)

09:40–10:00 Keynote speech – Antonio Lopez-Nicolas Baza (DG Energy, European Commission)

10:00–11:10 EU Green Deal: What next for sector integration?

With the publication of the EU Energy System Integration Strategy, profound changes in the organization of the energy system are expected in the coming years. What does this mean for member states and how will the strategy help to deliver climate neutrality by 2050? An integrated and optimized energy system will require unprecedented levels of planning and cooperation, at all levels of the system.

– Laurent Schmitt (ETIP SNET)

– Paul Voss (Euroheat & Power)

– Marion Labatut (EDF)

Moderator: Alessandro Provaggi (DHC+ Technology Platform)

11:10–11:20 Break

11:20–12:30 What’s the status on the ground?

A more integrated system requires the linking of different energy sources, sectors and infrastructure to support the decarbonization process. This implies significant changes in the roles of, and interactions between, different actors in the system. This session will examine what this integration means for actors in the electricity, gas and heating and cooling sectors, with a focus on regulatory barriers.

– Marina Galindo Fernández (Tilia)

– Jan Ingwersen (ENTSO-G)

– Olivier Lebois (ENTSO-E)

Moderator: Jack Corscadden (DHC+ Technology Platform)



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