The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is continuing its series of short stories on successful energy transition technologies to inform citizens and facilitate their involvement in the European energy system of the future, with 2 new stories on the Elsa and Dynamo projects.
As reported previously, it is in everyone’s long-term interest to have a rapid transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable and less carbon-intensive energy future. Indeed, many projects across Europe are developing the necessary technologies to make Europe’s transition to greener energy as smooth and effective as possible.
In 2016, a unique cooperation between key energy sector players was formed under the ETIP SNET umbrella to foster a European energy transition in line with the Paris Agreement targets. As stated in the ETIP SNET Vision 2050, meeting Europe’s clean energy needs will require major investments for the large-scale deployment of energy conversion and storage devices, the upgrade and extension of the energy networks, and the use of digital solutions.
While policy makers, industry and researchers need to lead the way and lay the foundations for the transition towards a cleaner energy system, the citizen is the fundamental player that will make this transition possible. The “ETIP SNET Energy Stories” are designed to bring successful applications in energy transition technologies, often developed through public funding, closer to the citizen, highlighting whenever possible the direct benefits of the latest technologies to the energy consumer.
Go to the ETIP SNET Energy Stories webpage to start reading!