A call for experts to take an active part in five of the six Working Groups of the ETIP SNET was open until 20 January 2017.
442 candidatures were received on time for application. All applications are going to be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Candidates will be contacted with the result of the selection until mid February 2017. First WG meetings and calls will happen in the course of February 2017.
If you have missed this opportunity you may re-apply when we will re-open the call, dates are not determined yet. To be kept informed on ETIP SNET activities send us you coordinates through
If you have a question on the WGs application process you can send an email to
Work Group 1 addresses business and technology trends contributing to the overall energy system optimization at affordable investment and operation costs. WG1 will focus on system aspects, addressing the main functionalities, quality and efficiency of the electricity system as such and consider the benefits of its integration with the other energy vectors. The flexibility options investigated in WG1 are: new transmission and distribution technologies (power electronics for instance), setting up interfaces with storage, demand response, flexible generation and synergies with other energy networks (i.e. how to couple the electricity networks with the gas and heat networks). WG1 also follows Set Plan Action 4 related to grid smartening in the sense of grid observability and controllability (i.e. tools for managing the variability and uncertainty of operational conditions at several timescales), increased grid hosting capacity and economic efficiency of the system through the use of ICT.
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
Work Group 2 addresses the technological and market developments related to energy storage solutions to ensure the required level of flexibility for the transmission and distribution of electricity. WG2 will consider all the different energy storage options, including power-to-power, power-to-gas, hydro and marine storage, CAES, thermal mass of buildings, hot water storage, etc., and their direct or indirect interface and interaction to the power networks. WG2 covers the entire value chain of all energy storage options, starting from the development and demonstration of new materials, technologies and solutions, and addressing their integration into the overall energy system, the evaluation of their impact on flexibility and the related costs/benefits.
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
WG3 addresses the business and technology trends considering the contribution of generation flexibility from conventional thermal power plants (bulk and distributed), and of the innovative technologies and solutions in thermal-based high efficiency generation systems(e.g. micro-CHP, industrial co-generation), heat distribution (e.g. district heating), storage and the optimization of the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) capabilities to contribute to reach a secure, clean and reliable energy system network storage to address the needs for flexibility in the framework of an integrated energy system.
RES should significantly contribute to a more stable operation of the future energy system, allowing a growing percentage of renewable sources to substitute traditional dispatchable generation. WG3 will address the different technologies and solutions of the flexible generation (including conventional power plants, embedded storage and fuel cells) and variable RES optimisation from a technological, environmental, economic, regulatory and acceptance points of view.
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
Work Group 4 addresses the use and impact of the Information and Communication Technologies as a pervasive tool along the entire value chain of the power generation, transportation and use.
The communication layer is one of the pillars of the smart energy system, enabling system observability, monitoring, control and protection, specifically enabling a radical change in the relation between the final user and the energy system. New digital tools (i.e. from smart meters to social networks) linked to Internet of Things will aim to favour Customer participation in all stages of the development and expansion of the energy system thanks to the analysis of big data generated. The widespread use of digital technologies however needs to be accompanied by suitable measures for data and information protection from malicious intrusions and attacks (cybersecurity) and from uncontrolled use of customers data (data privacy) In particular, WG4 follows on
• The full digitalization of both the transmission and the distribution networks with new ICT infrastructures Cybersecurity issues linked to Use of big data, IoT and High Performances Computing
• ICT infrastructures and technologies that will allow the involvement of the end customers and the retail market players.
• The retail electricity markets empowering customers (favourable environment to choose electricity suppliers and to better control consumptions through new services provided by new market players).
• The Improvement of public awareness of long-term energy challenges and the need to build and protect transmission infrastructure to increase the social benefit of energy use
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
Work Group 5 adopts a helicopter view of the activities carried out in the projects within the perimeter of the ETIP about the energy transition in order to:
• Build homogeneity in the analysis of projects, work done and lessons learned Create a common platform for analysing the progress made with technologies through-out the EU and facilitate their scalability
• Build a methodology to judge system needs in the energy transition capable of identifying tangible needs for building on progress made and give feedback to the other WGs for populating their R&I needs in the years ahead;
• Review the relevant BRIDGE reports that identify the economic, social, technical, legal, etc. barriers which may slow down business model deployment
• Search for innovative solutions that will maximize the benefits of the innovation process that EU achieves through R&I activities in the area of Energy.
Please download the full Terms of Reference here.
The National Stakeholder Coordination Group will be a sounding board and exchange platform for national R&I stakeholders in the area of energy systems and networks. Its purpose and goal is to support the implementation of SET-Plan Action 4 on Integrated and Flexible Energy Systems. It willenable national stakeholders to contribute actively and in a coordinated way to the SET-Plan goals and particularly to the goals as agreed in the Stakeholder Declaration on SET-Plan Action 4. This Coordination Group is currently being set-up more information will be posted soon.