ETIP SNET welcomes your feedback on the draft Implementation Plan 2017- 2020 until 10 August 2017!
The ETIP SNET IP 17-20 aims at listing the short-term priorities for research and innovation (R&I) in relation with Smart Networks for the Energy Transition. The Implementation Plan is based upon the ETIP-SNET R&I roadmap 2017-2026 (published in January 2017) which specifies the long-term R&I targets for the evolution of the European energy system.
ETIP SNET Webinar: For an Innovative and Successful European Energy Transition.
The Leonardo Energy initiative held a free ETIP SNET Webinar session entitled “ETIP SNET: For an innovative and successful European energy transition” on 8 June. In this webinar – hosted by Fernando Nuño, the ETIP SNET role and main priorities were introduced by its chairman Konstantin Staschus and the ETIP SNET 10 year R&I Roadmap presented by project coordinator Eric Peirano.
New ETIP SNET video: Towards an Energy Transition in Europe.
During the European Sustainable Energy Week 2017, ETIP SNET released a new video outlining the platform's mission to plan innovation on how the entire energy system fits together in a future where renewable energy dominates not only electricity but also heating, transport and industry. It features Mechthild Wörsdörfer from the European Commission, the ETIP SNET Chair Konstantin Staschus, and vice-chairs Nikos Hatziargyriou & Thierry Le Boucher.
New ETIP SNET video: Understanding Energy Transition.
At Innogrid2020+ ETIP SNET premiered a short animation video to help understand what Energy Transition means and to highlight how ETIP SNET aims to make sure Europe’s Research and Innovation facilitates all energy customers and market actors to rely on optimally integrated networks, systems and markets.
SAVE THE DATES! Four ETIP SNET Workshops Scheduled in 2017.
Mark your agendas: the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) will organize 4 Regional Workshops across Europe in 2017. The workshops aim to present national and regional R&I projects of significant added value addressing energy system integration issues. Registration for the first workshop of the Central Region in Aachen, Germany on 18-19 September is already open!
ETIP SNET activities are supported by the INTENSYS4EU project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731220