ETIP SNET to organise Regional Workshops across Europe to facilitate knowledge transfer
In 2016 the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition formally launched its activities. As part of its mission of guiding Research, Development and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition, ETIP SNET will organize 4 Regional Workshops per year over the course of the next 4 years, covering the whole European Union.
EUR 800 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure
The European Commission is releasing €800 million of funding for projects in the areas of electricity, gas and smart grids infrastructure. The projects will strengthen the EU’s internal energy market, enhance security of energy supply, and help provide clean, sustainable energy for Europe.
ETIP SNET discusses the future of Europe’s energy landscape
ETIP SNET held its fifth Governing board meeting and first National Stakeholders Coordination Group Meeting to discuss the implementation of Europe´s Energy Transition.
BRIDGE: fostering knowledge-sharing among Smart Grid and Energy projects
The coordination team behind ETIP SNET launches sister project BRIDGE to foster continuous knowledge sharing among Smart Grid and Energy Storage projects.
ETIP SNET selects over 200 experts to take an active part in its Working Groups
The ETIP SNET call for experts launched at the end of January attracted over 440 applicants! The Working Group Chairs and the Executive Committee (ExCo) have since then been carefully reviewing every application to ensure that its 5 Working Groups are balanced and involve the best experts from around Europe to define Europe´s RD&I priorities towards Energy Transition.
ETIP SNET activities are supported by the INTENSYS4EU project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731220