Explore the new ETIP SNET Knowledge Sharing Platform! |
The ETIP SNET Knowledge Sharing Platform is your source of information on key developments in smart grid R&I projects, contributing to the update of the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap and participating to the BRIDGE initiative. It facilitates knowledge-sharing among new, ongoing or completed research and innovation projects at European, national/regional levels and helps bring RD&I results to deployment. |
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Final three ETIP SNET “Energy Stories” on energy transition projects released! |
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition is finishing its series of short stories on successful energy transition technologies to inform citizens and facilitate their involvement in the European energy system of the future, with the last 3 new stories on the Wisegrid, Flexcoop, and Invade projects. |
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Save the date! EnLit 2020 Summit Workshop co-organized by ETIP-SNET |
Enlit Europe welcomes the ETIP SNET community to join the Enlit Europe Digital Programme. In this framework, the Workshop "POWER GRIDS BETWEEN INCREASED CHALLENGES AND INCREASED EXPECTATIONS: Actively linking emerging technologies and markets" organised in collaboration with ETIP SNET, will take place online on the 22nd October from 14.30-16.30. |
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ETIP SNET views on post COVID 19 recovery |
The COVID19 pandemic has greatly affected all aspects of life and has fully revealed the crucial role of energy in modern society. Without energy the vital functions of the health system, but also of the much dependent telecommunication system would collapse. The importance of an efficient, resilient energy system in such extreme conditions cannot be overstressed. In this article ETIP SNET provides the consolidated views of its stakeholders. |
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Register for SMARTSPEND’s Online Workshop on clean energy transition financing |
On 30 September 2020, the SMARTSPEND project will hold its Online Workshop “Financing Clean Energy Transition in the Context of EU Recovery”. The Workshop will gather speakers from investment institutes, European and national institutions, funding programme managers and clean energy innovators; bringing clarifications on the access to EU funding in the recovery period of Europe. |
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ETN launches new webinar series on flexible power generation |
ETIP SNET supports the webinar series "Challenges and opportunities for flexible power generation in the future energy scenario” organised by ETN with the aim to shed light on the actions taken by the EU and industry to meet challenges in flexible power generation and pave the way for a carbon-neutral energy system that would ensure a secure and affordable energy supply. |
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Register now for the online Joint Programming Conference Smart Energy Systems 2020 |
From October 14 to 16, 2020 the Joint Programming Conference Smart Energy Systems will bring together for the second time SET-Plan initiatives and funding networks in the field of energy systems and system integration. The Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) gathers a powerful network of national and regional funding programs, transnational RDI projects and initiatives, SET-Plan Working Groups, European Technology and Innovation Platforms and EERA-Joint Programmes. |
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The INTENSYS4EU project supports ETIP SNET activities and has recieved funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement N. 731220.